Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Old News

Last night, I watched the live stream of #journchat from SXSWi.  The brainchild of PR wunderkid Sarah Evans, #journchat is "an ongoing, open dialogue between journalists, bloggers and public relations professionals" that takes place on Twitter.   I generally enjoy these chats--it's a great way to share with peers and build relationships in the virtual space.

Last night's session was a little bit different than the usual Monday night chat--no engagement or participation from the masses, just a pretty basic Q&A with some of CNN's social media heavy hitters.  And the more I listened the more I thought...

When will we STOP reporting social media as "news?"  Yes, one of the CNN panelists joked that someone joining Twitter isn't newsworthy, but I have news for you:  Neither is the fact that you can build relationships via Twitter.  Or pitch a story in 140 characters.  Or that you should vet your sources carefully.  Or be there before the pitch.  That stuff is PR 101, just translated to a different medium.

Yes, we get it.  You're on Twitter.  We're all on Twitter.  And foursquare and YouTube and Facebook and dozens of others.  So what and now what?

1 comment:

  1. It won't matter because the social media mavens - news, PR, et al - will never stop.


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